Parents of children with autism share a lot of similarities no matter where they live, what they do, what income bracket they fall in, no matter what age they happen to be. One of these…
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Parents of children with autism share a lot of similarities no matter where they live, what they do, what income bracket they fall in, no matter what age they happen to be. One of these…
Read MoreHave you ever wondered if nonverbal autism can prevent someone from becoming a UCLA student? Well, the answer is a resounding no! Meet Woody Brown, a young man diagnosed with autism at two and currently…
Read MoreThe field of ABA focuses so much on early intervention and building skills from an early age, but too few stop to think about the lives that individuals diagnosed with Autism lead as adults. For…
Read MoreWait…I thought there were only 5? When we grew up we were taught about the five senses—taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight. We all understand how these work and we experience these in much the same…
Read MoreIt's a question that's often asked- What are the indicators of a quality ABA therapy? How do you know if the ABA therapy you're receiving is good quality? Perhaps you've been in therapy for a…
Read MoreAll parents get those pamphlets at the pediatrician’s office explaining “typical” milestones their baby should be meeting at each new stage of life. Sitting up, crawling, pulling to stand, walking, babbling, etc. are common developmental…
Read MoreMost parents and teachers are familiar with the concept of reinforcement in ABA therapy. However, they may not be as familiar with the term "generalization." Generalization in ABA therapy is defined as the process by…
Read MoreFirst of all I want to start off with a message to all of you fathers reading this (your wife probably dragged you over to the computer and is making you read this—sorry about that).…
Read MoreAccording to the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), nearly one in 12 American children aged 3 to 17 has experienced a voice, speech, language, or swallowing disorder in the last year.…
Read MoreYou may think that the holidays are a time to relax and enjoy each other's company, but for toddlers & young children with Autism, they can be a time of great anxiety. It's not that…
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