A vast amount of scientific research has been conducted to uncover the causes of Autism. And researchers have surveyed families who have a child diagnosed with Autism. The researchers want to look for patterns that might suggest a particular cause.

Based on findings, some parents have reported a sharp regression in their children’s ability immediately after receiving certain vaccinations. Other parents reported that their children had autism diagnoses despite being unvaccinated.

On top of that, few parents have also claimed that their children’s autism diagnosis was preceded by a period of antibiotic use or other medications, including chemical exposures. Mainstream science has failed to find any links between these exposures and the development of Autism, but the parents’ reports cannot be easily dismissed.

A great deal of scientific evidence has implicated that environmental factors may play a role in the development of Autism. But the search for a single direct environmental cause of Autism has been unsuccessful, be it a toxic chemical, a virus, or some other factor. Research conducted on identical and fraternal twins has shown that a single factor does not cause Autism passed down from parents to their children, but rather by many factors. Two identical twins can share all the same genes, yet if one twin has Autism, the other only develops the condition around 30% of the time. This suggests that various environmental factors- from prenatal nutrition to exposure to toxins- may interact with a child’s genetic predisposition to Autism.

Recent research has focused on various prenatal and perinatal risk factors for Autism during pregnancy, including biochemical disturbances in the fœtus. Several studies have found that underlying biochemical abnormalities such as mitochondrial dysfunction can cause susceptibility to environmental toxins and infections, which may lead to Autism. The National Institute of Health officials agree that a complex interaction of genetics is likely to play a role in the causing of Autism disorder. Still, they have not ruled out the possibility that specific environmental exposure may act as a trigger for Autism in some children- especially following the rise of autism diagnoses over the last 20 years.

The speculation that parental upbringing may somehow cause Autism has long been disproved by research. Autism is not the result of “refrigerator mothers” or poor parenting but emerges as a very early brain development disorder. Many parents of autistic toddlers report that their children seemed “different” from birth- often failing to meet developmental milestones such as babbling, making eye contact, and smiling. However, the exact cause of Autism remains a mystery.

Mainstream science has also discriminated against the theory that Autism is caused by childhood vaccines- particularly the MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine. However, the National Autism Association believes that sufficient evidence warrants further investigation into a potential link between vaccines and Autism.

The National Autism Association believes two things

Vaccination: Vaccinationation can trigger Autism in a small number of children genetically predisposed to the condition. Especially those with Autoimmune, inflammatory conditions, or Mitochondrial disorders.

Environmental Exposure: Environmental toxins can also trigger Autism in susceptible children (especially those with auto-immune conditions). These environmental toxins include but are not limited to mercury, lead, aluminium, pesticides, and other chemicals.

Mainstream science has revealed other possible causes of Autism

These include:

Parental Age: There is an increased risk of Autism when the mother is over 40. This may be due to a higher rate of genetic mutations in older parents.

Pharmaceuticals: Certain pharmaceutical drugs (such as thalidomide) have been linked to an increased risk of Autism.

Parental vitamin intake during pregnancy: A pregnant woman’s vitamin intake can influence her child’s risk of developing Autism. For example, a pregnant woman who takes folic acid supplements is less likely to have a child with Autism than a woman who does not take folic acid supplements.

Pesticide exposure: Exposure to pesticides (such as those used in agricultural work) has been linked to an increased risk of Autism.

Freeway proximity: Living near a freeway or other major source of air pollution has been linked to an increased risk of Autism. For example, one study found that pregnant women who lived within 1 kilometre of a freeway were more likely to have an Autism child than women who lived further away from a freeway.


Autism is a complex condition that likely has multiple causes. While the exact cause of Autism remains unknown, it is important to remember that Autism is not caused by poor parenting or vaccines. Instead, it is thought to result from several genetic and environmental factors. Further research is needed to identify all of the possible causes of Autism.

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Last Updated: January 16th, 2025