Patient Rights

Information for our patients

Appropriate and compassionate care:

Patients have the exclusive right to appropriate and compassionate care at all times and under all circumstances. Patients will not be denied appropriate care based on age, race, religion, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental disability, marital status, socioeconomic status, or source of payment. Patients have the right to receive care that takes into consideration the psychosocial, spiritual, and cultural values that influence the way the patient views their illness.

Staff Identification:

Patients have the right to know the identity and professional status of individuals providing care to them. All staff members are required to introduce themselves and explain their role in patient care.


Patients have the right to expect reasonable safety in the performance of procedures and safety in the environment.

Refusal of treatment:

Patients have the right to refuse treatment to the extent provided by law and to be informed of the medical consequences of that refusal. Patients who refuse care or treatment are responsible for the results of that decision. When refusal of treatment prevents the provision of appropriate care in accordance with ethical and professional standards, the relationship with the patient may be terminated upon reasonable notice.

Research, educational or experimental procedures:

Patients have the right to information concerning research or experimental procedures proposed as a part of their care and have the right to refuse to participate in any such activity, and refusal to participate will not jeopardize or affect care in any way.

Request for service:

Patients have the right to expect that within its capacity, the organization will respond to a patient’s request for service. Evaluation, service and/or referrals will be completed as indicated by the urgency of the case.

Freedom from restraints:

Patients have the right to be free from restraints except when necessary to protect the patient from injury to self or others. The least restrictive restraint will be used whenever possible. Restraints must be administered in accordance with applicable and standard state code and regulations.

Confidentiality of records:

Patients have the right to expect that communication and records regarding their care will be treated confidentially. Records will not be released except as authorized by patients or their legal representatives.

Privacy – personal and informational:

Patients have the right to privacy in treatment and in caring for their personal needs.

Presenting a complaint:

Patients and their family members or guardians have the right to present complaints to Nevada Autism Center about any aspect of the patient’s care from Nevada Autism Center.

Continuity of care:

Patients have the right to expect reasonable continuity of care, including discharge planning and discharge instructions. Patients are entitled to information concerning continuing health needs, alternatives for meeting those needs and be involved in discharge planning.

Information regarding reimbursement charges:

Patients have the right to receive an explanation of their reimbursement charge regardless of the source of payment.


Patients have the right to reasonably informed participation in decisions involving their health care. Patients should not be subjected to any procedure without their voluntary, competent, and understanding consent or that of their legally authorized representative.

Other rights:

Patients will be notified when they are no longer eligible for insurance or when payment of their bill by others will end. Whenever possible, advance notice will be given.

Patients and when appropriate, their families will be informed about the outcomes of care, including unanticipated outcomes.

Patient Responsibilities

  • Healthcare is a cooperative effort among patients, physicians, and other staff. In addition to rights, it is expected that patients will assume these responsibilities to the best of their abilities.
  • Following the organization’s rules and regulations as they are explained or as described in printed material.
  • Providing, to the best of their knowledge, a complete and accurate medical history when requested to do so.
  • Informing their provider if they do not understand their treatment plan or what they are expected to do.
  • Following the recommended treatment plan presented by the provider (or designate).
  • Informing their provider or organization representative if there is an unexpected change in their condition or if problems arise in treatment.
  • Paying their reimbursement charge or for informing the organization if they cannot pay the bill so that other arrangements can be made. Patients are responsible for being familiar with the nature and extent of their insurance coverage including referral and authorization requirements.
  • Patients and their families are responsible for reporting perceived risks in their care and unexpected changes in the patient’s condition. Patients and families also have the right to education about their role in helping to facilitate the safe delivery of care.
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Last Updated: January 16th, 2025